Are you ready to Explore?
Explore is our subscription-based, at-home programme for tamariki aged 5-12 years old.
Tamariki engage with real-world activities, are supported by interactions with our trained Guiding Leaders, and even earn REAL badges along the way!

An unlimited access Explore subscription is only:
$8.75 per month
Try Explore for FREE!
Sign up to our two week free trial.
There’s absolutely no obligation to subscribe.

Real Life Learning!
Through Explore, tamariki will develop real-life skills they can apply day-to-day such as: Understanding how their brain and body works; Experiencing diversity and other cultures; Orienteering and geocaching; How to protect the planet; STEM activities like coding, pizza science, inventing a robot, making slime… and so much more.
For Pippins and Brownies, activities can be filtered by length, if it’s an outdoor or indoor activity and if it requires adult support, allowing total flexibility for tamariki, parents and whānau!
girls in GirlGuiding NZ
activities available on Explore
girls increase confidence through Guiding

“Saria and one of her brothers loved doing this activity. They enjoyed watching the colour spread and they learnt that it was tricky to keep the colours separate. Now I need more food colouring so my other 2 children can have a go.”
Your Explore Options

Explore Pippins
(5-6 years old)
With Explore Pippins, rangatahi start to develop awareness of the the world around them.

Explore Brownies
(7-9 years old)
At Explore Brownies, rangatahi start finding their passions and learning more independence.

Explore Guides
(9-12½ years old)
With Explore Guides, rangatahi have the chance to make connections, raise awareness, get involved, and learn through doing.
All programmes are $8.75 per month
Have You Got Questions?
Contact GirlGuiding NZ
National Office:
+64 (03) 366 8409